Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Its all happening....


Haven't done much on here the last month or so I know. We are much more frequent visitors to above mentioned site.
As such, things are on a bit of a pause here. Should there be a request, I'll stick things on here! For those none-facebookers amongst you.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Chaos Reigns

Well, we are back from globetrotting. No more holiday for us until..... well, ever at the moment. I have all of 2 days leave left to last me till next year! Although thats because I've booked christmas as time off you see.
Alaska was v cool. We had very good weather most of the time, quite often it being warmer over there than it was here. We were very fortunate and got do some extraordinary things and see some amazing sights. Glaciers rock.

We also had a great deal of fun with Kurths senior but especially Kurth junior!
Lake district brought us back to England. Lake district weather is summarised as such:

Low cloud base. Dull.
Low cloud base. Rain.
Low cloud base. Wind and Rain.
Low cloud base occasionally lifting to allow some view.

Fortunately we chose our big walks on days the cloud base lifted so we could actually see some of the sights. I've never really been to the Lake District. I like it a lot. I did laugh at the Miss Potter film though where it is always sunny in the Lake District. We also had a fine cottage and waterproofs so the end result was good.

Alaska photos are mostly on facebook. I took 211 photos just myself! I intend to stick a slideshow jobby on the side some point soon.

But the point of the post title is down to approx 4kg of fur, paw and ears. We have picked up cat No2. This is one of the cats found round my Nans shed a while ago. He got taken in with all his siblings and mother by the Cat Protection League charity. However, they are now old enough to be homed by themselves. The Protection league people were quite happy for us to have one of them back.

So, white-socked tabby kitten now named Samson has now taken up residence in the spare room and is dutifully proving to be a whirlwind of a mess creating ball of energy-charged fur. If he's awake, good luck doing anything productive in the spare room. No space is sacred, and keyboards are a particular favourite, as is tugging the mouse lead from under the desk.

At the moment, I am fortunate as he is sleeping. Right in front of me. Bec has taken about a zillion photos of him in various stages of cuteness (he still hasn't figured out his reflection in the mirror, providing much amusement) but I can't see her camera.

So here, hastily taken is Samson the chaos generator. He's discovered the shredder bin as a fantastic source of play material . But he's cute when he's sleeping......

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Hey for the occasional person who stumbles here and doesn't actually know me lack of updates is due to being 4481 miles away from home, in Anchorage, AK.

See Facebook for most updates and the occasional photo from a borrowed interenet connection!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

It's raining cats

They're everywhere round here at the moment.

Nan JR has just collected two of the things. At 10 weeks old they are little more than mobile fluffballs that squeak every so often. They're called Muffin and Jelly I think. It could be Stuffing and Mello. I'm not 100% sure.

Either way they are small and hairy and cute. The black and white one has hilarious eyebrows. Check them out on the second photo:

Meanwhile, we are likely to get a spare cat. When Bec heard one of the shed kittens from a while back was a tabby, the little creature's number was up. We shall be collecting it when we return from Alaska. We went to have a look at how they're doing the other day.

He was too busy fighting most of the time to pause for a photo but they stayed still long enough to get one good shot:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A couple of vids from the weekend

Stew's copybook golf swing:

Jon being sheared in preparation....

And the waxing itself!

Some others are at or click here

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Poor old blogger

Blogger has been ignored a bit these days in favour of that young upstart facebook. Poor old thing! A blog seems so last year ;-)

Heh will still keep the old thing going though!

Things usual busyness. Bec is counting down the days till the end of term. I'm waiting for a promotion date, probably won't know till the returning from Alaska.

English summer has been its fine usual self with half the midlands underwater and floods metres deep. There were some monster thunderstorms hanging around Londinium today, took a couple of pics from the job car whilst sat in traffic:

The original JR fleabag Aqaya is still going strong. We are now highly likely to adopt one of the kittens found in my Nans shed (currently at a rescue centre), and will probably be picking up fleabag number 2 upon return from Alaska. Will start taking suggestions for names now though.....

Here below be Aqaya getting one of her "fuss me fuss me" sessions. As usual she takes up residence on the nice duvet on our bed whenever we go out. Cheeky mog.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Irish bits n bobs

Have put all the pics etc on facebook: but a couple of vids too:


Will be more updates soon!